Shout out to Plexus Slim & Boost…

Just want to give a little product shout out to Plexus Slim & Plexus Boost.  Whoop! Whoop!

They are the only reason that I still have energy right now.  After staying up until 2:30 am working on a major project for the office, and then getting up just a few short hours later to go to the office… I still have a great amount of energy because of these great all natural products.

I thought for sure that I would crash as soon as I got home from work tonight, but nope I’m still going… with energy to spare even.  I’m sure I’ll sleep good tonight though.

Click here to find out more about Plexus Slim & Plexus Boost.

Progress Check In…

I’ve gotten a little behind on posting about my weekly check-ins.  Things have been crazy busy lately.  When I ended up working from home these past two weekends, I didn’t really have the time to post much.

So this will be a quick update….

Week 3 wasn’t the best for me.  I didn’t feel that great at the beginning of the week and ended up having some comfort food in the form of Church’s Chicken.  It was yummy but not too healthy.  And I could have made better choices the rest of the week but I didn’t.  And I didn’t drink enough water.  So my check in wasn’t what I had hoped for.

Week 4 was better.  Back on track and losing more.  My choices were better.  My water intake was more.  All the way around it was a better week.

The only real downside to being so public about trying to lose weight and make healthier choices is that everyone can see when you don’t do as good as you should.  But this is real life people.  Not every week is going to be the best.  What matters is that you figure out what went wrong and do better.

As of today a little bit of work stress has been lifted so I have a little more free time to track down healthy recipes and fun fitness things.  I have a little more time to get my focus back.

Wish me luck!!

Plexus Worldwide Products…

So are you wondering about all the amazing products that Plexus Worldwide has to offer?

Of course you are.  Check out this video about the many natural ingredients and benefits found in products from Plexus.

If this sparks an interest, let me know.  I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Visit my website to look into the products and the business.

Week 2 Check In…

So today is my Week 2 Check In.  I have now been using my Plexus products and making my lifestyle changes for two weeks.

Last week when I was talking to someone about my “Week 1 Check In” they thought the whole check in thing was a requirement for my Plexus products.  I just want to set the record straight here.  It is not required to do weekly check ins while using Plexus Slim and/or Accelerator.  These “Check Ins” are something I’m choosing to do to keep me motivated.  I want to see how these products are working.  And I want to see how my new lifestyle changes are effecting my body, my health, and my overall life.

So this morning I weighed myself and took all the same measurements…

I’m happy to say that I have lost an additional 3 inches in the past week, along with 3.2 pounds.  So that brings me to a total of 12 inches shed over the past 2 weeks.  I’m happy to see this progress.

I wasn’t perfect with my food choices this week but I haven’t been terrible either.  I’ve been munching on grapes instead of chips… salad instead of pasta… Stuff like that.

I’ve been tracking down some new healthy recipes that I want to try.  I’ll be adding more to my blog.  And I’m happy to receive some recipes and tips from you guys too.  Feel free to send some my way.  If I choose one you sent, I’ll add a shout out when I post it.  For you fellow bloggers, I’ll even put a link to your page if you want.

I’ll continue to post my progress and my changes.

And don’t forget to check out my website ( if you want to find out more about the Plexus products.  And my Facebook page too (Plexus Nashville).

“Like” Me On Facebook…

It’s seems like just about everyone is on Facebook these days.  I know I am personally.  And recently I started up a Facebook page for my Plexus business.  I want to spread the word about these amazing products.  It’s great to connect with people, and Facebook is another fun way to do that.

Nashville Skyline Pink copy

My page is called Plexus Nashville. The address is  Stop by my page for a chat.

I’m representing Nashville, Tennessee and the surrounding areas.  If you’re local and want to know more or want to have a Plexus Party, it will be easy to connect.  If you’re not local, then the social media outlets like Facebook are great ways to stay in touch.

Week 1 Check In…

So today was my Week 1 Check In.  I have now been using my Plexus products and making my lifestyle changes for one week.

I weighed my self and took all the same measurements I did last Saturday when I first started.  I’ll admit I was nervous to see if this stuff has been working or not.  My pants have felt a little looser over the past few days, so I’ve been anxious to find out for sure.

I’m happy to say that I have lost a total of 9 inches in the past week.  I have seen a change in my weight yet.  But I’m extremely excited to see inches coming off.

Check out my website ( if you want to find out more about the Plexus products.  I’ll continue to post my progress and my changes.

What A Day…

I’m actually happy with how today has gone – as long as you ignore the rough start I had this morning.

The first good thing to happen today was a gift from nature. The lilies I planted last year came back this year. They bloomed today. So that brought a smile to my face. It’s the little things really.

As far as my new lifestyle change is going… I’m very excited to say that I ate really healthy today. I drank a full 8 glasses of water. And that’s a big deal for me. I am so not a big water drinker, but I’m trying to be more healthy. As far as exercise today… I’m pretty sure mowing my huge front yard and part of my grandmother’s yard for 2 hours after work with a push mower counts for something. Not easy people! And afterwards I was tired, proud, and energized all at the same time. I feel like I have so much more energy these days. I like it!!

Oh and I used the My Fitness Pal app today to help me keep up with my weight loss progress, what all I eat, how much I exercise, and how much water I drink. I love this app. It helps if you can stick with it. It really makes you aware of what you’re doing. Feel free to look me up (ToriLyn14). It always works better when you have friends along for the ride and moral support.

Hope everyone had a great day too!!

A Little Push…

So I’m starting this journey to a healthier life.  I’m not going on a “diet.”  Diets never really work long term.  The right thing to do is make a lifestyle change.  I’m not delusional and think this will be quick and easy.  It doesn’t really work that way.

It’s easy to say things like “portion control,” “everything in moderation,” “make time for exercise,” and “avoid giving into sugary temptation.”  But for me it’s usually easier said than done.  There are people out there that have the self-control and discipline to just do these things.  Then there are others, like me, that have to work a little harder at first.  Some of us just need a little push to get started.

For me the pus is from Plexus.  I’ve struggled with my eight back and forth for a long time.  So when a friend of mine told me about these all-natural weight loss products I was skeptical and interested at the same time.  If you can effectively combine all-natural ingredients and real long lasting weight loss then you have my ear.

plexus_slimThe when I found out that the main product, Plexus Slim, was originally designed as a product to  help people with Diabetes, I was pretty much hooked.  The product was designed to balance out blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol.  The result when your system is in balance is weight loss.

My family has a history of Diabetes.  I saw first hand the struggles my father faced with his.  And I don’t want to end up with those struggles myself one day.  That’s the biggest reason I’m making a change in my life.

I did my research before choosing Plexus products as my push to a fresh start.  So many people out there have had good results with it.  I’ve chosen to become an Ambassador for Plexus Worldwide so I can share these products with others.  But my biggest goal is to improve my health and wellness.

I’m going to use this blog to share my progress and my struggles.  I’ll also share with you any yummy but healthy recipes I find.  Follow my journey and maybe I can help you or you can help me.

For more information about Plexus Slim and the other Plexus products, visit my website at